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Nasza praca ma sens wyłącznie wtedy, gdy jej rezultaty są postrzegane przez naszych klientów jako wartość, której oczekiwali. 


I met Piotr (Infoteam Consulting Poland) in 2018 when he worked with our organisation on a 1-year-long project focused on optimising our sales strategy and building sales capabilities in our team.
The challenge wasn’t an easy one, and took lots of effort, consequence and focus from many of our team members. It all paid off though. Our results increased significantly (exceeding the targets) and we continued to grow even in the midst of the pandemic crisis.
Piotr provided us with a top class expertise in the field which he delivered in a very professional manner. I believe his contribution to our work was a game-changer and enabled us of competing our project successfully - in time and under budget.
I have no hesitation to recommend Piotr as a highly professional business development consultant to whoever seeks his sales strategy be optimised and executed.

Sales Director at Raben Transport 


At VELUX we pay a lot of attention to the continuous improvement of how we work. It covers both process optimization and constant learning of our employees. We met with Piotr when our focus was on our project sales team an area with high growth potential. The objective was to review and enhance all our sales processes in order to meet the high expectations of our customers.
Infoteam regularly monitors what the key decision-makers expect from their vendors' sales practices and can give us both a global and local perspective. That gave us good grounds to invite this company to our project. Later, in the course of the work, Piotr (Infoteam Consulting Poland) provided us with excellent consulting services which proved to be instrumental on our way towards the desired objectives.
Now, more than a year later I can clearly state that hiring Infoteam to do this job was a good decision. I can recommend this company and Piotr as a consultant to whoever seeks his B2B sales practices to meet the expectations of their customers.

Sales Director at VELUX Polska


Piotr (Infoteam Consulting) is a good example of someone that is a great professional.
We worked together in a re-structuring project and I must say I have learned much from him. His attitude as a consultant is very good and he is a forward looking person which comes with pro-active ideas and solutions.
I can recommend Piotr to everyone looking for a professional

Vice President Global Business Development at Magic Software Enterprises

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If you have a sales force which comes together from different angles of the industry, it is very important to have a common terminology and sales process. Not just for the sales team but for all functions in the field organisation, including consulting and customer support. Your sales management needs to coach the process, ask effective questions and add value. I have been working successfully with Infoteam since 1997 in Switzerland, UK and Asia Pacific.

President at SAP Asia and Pacific

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Festo is a global leader in industrial automation. Together with Infoteam we developed a Festo-specific version of Winning Complex Sales and qualified our sales managers in more than 40 countries to implement the methodology effectively. The field’s response to this program has been extremely positive. We have won several significant projects in new business areas and have been able to grow our business faster than the competition.

Head International Key Account Management at FESTO


Niniejszym listem referencyjnym, w imieniu firmy COMARCH S.A, potwierdzam, ze firma TerionSuisse Sarl (poprzednik Infoteam Consulting Poland) zrealizowała dla nas projekt doradczy, którego celem była optymalizacja naszego procesu sprzedażowego. Projekt został zrealizowany w czasie od maja do lipca 2017. Doświadczenia wyniesione z projektu pozwalają mi zarekomendować firmę TerionSuisse Sarl (Infoteam Consulting Poland), jako bardzo profesjonalnego i rzetelnego partnera. Wszystkie podjęte działania byty w pełni dostosowane do naszych wymagań oraz specyfiki. Wypracowane rozwiązania opierały się na dotychczasowych najlepszych praktykach naszej firmy optymalizowanych z zastosowaniem uznanej międzynarodowej metodologii. Rezultaty projektu są obecnie implementowane i stanowią istotną wartość dodaną dla naszej organizacji. Z pełnym zaufaniem rekomenduję firmę TerionSuisse Sarl, jako eksperta w dziedzinie optymalizacji procesów sprzedażowych B2B. 

Vice-President at COMARCH

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